The roll of milking liner

The milking machine liner is the only part of the milking equipment that is in direct contact with the animal. The quality and characteristics of the liner greatly influence milking performance and animal health. It is extremely important to use the best possible liner type and to make sure you do not milk with old, worn liners.

Liners are commonly classified by their barrel size and shape, and by the material and/or method of their construction.

Choosing a good liner and replacing is very important!

A liner will wear out due to the dynamic nature of the way it is used - it will open and close over 2.5 million times during its use. You will see the liner becoming slack in the barrel and possibly at the mouthpiece. This will increase the forces on the cow's teat. and will increase the chances of liner slip.

The liner is also exposed to some aggressive cleaning chemicals at high temperatures, these can break down the rubber. Even the milk itself affects the liner - butterfats are absorbed, and deposits can be left on the surface.

Why liners must be changed?

For rubber liners, between 2000-3000 milkings, we can see the levels of reddening and damage to the teat increasing. The teat then loses its natural resistance to bacteria and pathogens, leading to higher somatic cell count and incidents of mastitis.
So, a disciplined approach to changing rubber liners at 2500 to 3000 milkings will improve the health of your herd and the quality of your milk.
These standards changes based on liner material. Silicon liners work more.

How milking happens ?

Vacuum is applied to the inside of the liner to withdraw milk from each teat & keep the machine attached to the cow. When the pulsation chamber is under a vacuum, the liner is open and milk flow starts. Atmospheric pressure is applied to the pulsation chamber and the liner closes. Milk flow stops and the teat is massaged to reduce congestion.

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